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Ep06 - Why every financial advisor should be replaceable, with Bill Black

Today, Chris talks about a crucial subject to any independent financial advisor: succession planning. 

Joining him is one of the experts in the marketplace, Bill Black, who has built an incredibly successful advisory business of his own.

Interview with Bill Black

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Exit planning is business planning

Bill has bought, integrated, and exited businesses across multiple locations in Canada and now advises other business owners of preparing for their own business succession and exit planning.

In the episode, Bill and Chris dig into:

  • How growth through acquisition was a strong catalyst for Bill in his business
  • Why a succession plan is never set in stone - and you may nurture your successor and still be able to pivot or change your succession strategy
  • Why a good checklist that gets your business ready for succession needs to be focussed (Bill shares his framework in the episode)
  • The importance of putting repeatable systems in place so that it will be easy for your business to go from generation to generation with its legacy preserved

Chris rounds out the interview asking Bill about his main passion and what makes him wake up each day, the most impactful conversation that he’s ever had with a client, and how Bill wants to be remembered in the industry.

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Interview with Bill Black

EP6 - Ep06 - Why every financial advisor should be replaceable, with Bill Black

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