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Ep34 - What Independent Advisors Should be Doing to Prepare for Their Own Succession with George Hartman

The two most important events in an entrepreneur’s life are when you start your business and then when you successfully pass your business and your legacy on through a well thought out succession plan.

In this episode of the pod, George Hartman joins us to going to tackle succession planning and what it means to a financial advisor.

Interview with George Hartman

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The two most important events in an entrepreneur’s life are when you start your business and then when you successfully pass your business and your legacy on through a well thought out succession plan. Yet as critical as succession plans are, it astounds me that over 70% of advisors don’t have a written succession plan, never mind a well thought out one. I even think that number is low!

In this episode of the pod, we’re going to tackle succession planning and what it means to a financial advisor. Joining me to talk about it is the man who literally wrote the book on succession planning in the wealth management business, George Hartman!

George has had an over 40 year career in financial services as an advisor, manager, executive, educator, coach and author. He’s an insightful industry observer and prolific writer, having published three best-selling books for financial advisors and currently working on his fourth. For more than 10 years, George has written the monthly column The Coach’s Forum for the trade journal Investment Executive and is a regular guest on Building Your Business television broadcast on IE:TV.

As one of the financial services industry’s best-known advisor strategists, practice management mentors and practice valuation experts, he presently coaches a number of top-producing advisors in Canada and the US and consults with several financial services firms on their business strategy and succession plans.

He literally wrote the book on succession planning. George is also the author of “EXIT is NOT a Four Letter Word.” The book will change the financial fortunes of advisors who implement a refreshing new exit process. Delivered in an entertaining and informative style, this book provides advisors with the rationale and routine to prepare for the eventual transition of their business to the most qualified successor for the greatest value and assure their legacy.

What are YOUR plans for succession planning? What struggles do you have with it? I’d love to chat with YOU and learn more about you and your business. Why not set up a virtual coffee with me so we can chat about how you can accomplish big things in your business!

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Interview with George Hartman

EP34 - Ep34 - What Independent Advisors Should be Doing to Prepare for Their Own Succession with George Hartman

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