If you and your clients want to protect your family in “the ultimate moment of truth,” life insurance is an important foundation.
Today, Chris speaks to Jim Ruta on what you can do to educate yourself and your clients.
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When Chris was an advisor, he used to say to his clients “Do you know what the mortality rate here in Toronto is? It’s a fascinating statistic. It’s one death per person, per lifetime. Everybody gets a turn, but what we don’t know is when.”
Jim Ruta wrote over 100 lives in his first year as a life insurance agent at age 22. He entered management at 24 and was executive manager of Canada’s largest life insurance agencies with 250 agents by age 40.
Jim started Advisorcraft in 1999 making the firm one of the most established insurance advisor coaching companies in Canada. His goal was to pass along the lifetime of advice, education and inspiration he got himself throughout his career.
Today, Jim coaches a roster of agents ranging from MDRT aspirants to Top of the Table qualifiers – including industry ICON, Van Mueller. Jim is a “Tactical Coach” – helping agents clarify their thinking on what to do next to maximize their performance.
He produces a weekly coaching video on Facebook Live @JimRutaTV to give advisors a fast start to the week. He’s written and recorded the Advisorcraft Online monthly subscriber coaching program since 2009.
Jim’s mission is to preserve, promote, and propel the life insurance advisor business. And boy is he passionate about it!
Jim and his team offer some great tools to help you learn more about the risk management side of the business. You can find them at http://advisorcraft.com
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EP18 - Ep18 - Jim Ruta Shares How Risk Management is The Other Foundation of a Solid Financial Plan
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