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Ep05 - The relationship between a positive market environment and the value of advice with James O´Sullivan

Today on ‘Turning the Page… on building a better business’, our host Chris Reynolds sits down with well-respected industry veteran and seasoned financial executive James O´Sullivan.

Interview with James O´Sullivan

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James is the President and Chief Executive Officer of IGM Financial Inc.

James holds joint Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration degrees from Osgoode Hall Law School and Schulich School of Business at York University as well as a Specialized Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from York University.

In this episode, James and Chris dig into:

  • Why people who work with advisors do better financially than the people who don’t.
  • How technology allows us to have better communication with clients.
  • How advisors can plan for succession in a way that works for them and works for their clients.
  • And finally, Chris dives into a round of questions with James! What James loves doing, what he would like to be remembered for, and what he considers the best advice he’s ever received in his career.

Listen to the podcast for the full interview that covers those key points and a lot more. 

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Interview with James O´Sullivan

EP5 - Ep05 - The relationship between a positive market environment and the value of advice with James O´Sullivan

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