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Ep19 - Every Hero Needs a Quest: How To Set Big Goals to Make Big Things Happen

Want to accomplish really big goals that help you achieve what you truly want in your life? Have a quest because every hero needs a quest.

Chris Reynolds Podcast

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Every Hero Needs a Quest

Chris was watching the Netflix series “Sandman.” In the show, the Sandman sets off on a quest to achieve his goal of reclaiming his lost powers. In one episode, after overcoming all obstacles, he’s sad because he has nothing to do. The Sandman says “I don’t have a quest.”

This made Chris realize that every person needs a quest. Everyone needs a reason to get up every morning and be passionate about what they do. 

What is a quest? It’s something that currently seems insurmountable. Something that will take all of your passion to achieve it. A goal that is bigger than yourself.

In this episode, learn how to set your OWN quest. 

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Chris Reynolds Podcast

EP19 - Ep19 - Every Hero Needs a Quest: How To Set Big Goals to Make Big Things Happen

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