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Ep13 - The future of asset management & financial advice in Canada, with Barry McInerney

This week Chris joins industry leader, Barry McInerney, Mackenzie Investments’ recently retired CEO in conversation.

Chris and Barry look back on how the industry has changed so far, where it’s going, and what the future looks like for financial advice.

Interview with Barry McInerney

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Barry has seen the trends that have shaped the evolution of the asset management industry on both sides of our border. 

Episode highlights:

  • Demographic shifts and its impact on the business of financial advice
  • The democratization of private markets, the most significant investment trend, and what it means for individual investor portfolios
  • China and its impact on asset management
  • Lessons in leadership and the importance of good communications.

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Interview with Barry McInerney

EP13 - Ep13 - The future of asset management & financial advice in Canada, with Barry McInerney

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