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Ep 64 - Four Lessons From Steve Jobs That You Can Implement into Your Business Today

Every entrepreneur needs a hero to look up to. The hero not only acts as their North Star but also inspires them to overcome adversities. Every ambitious individual usually has one, do you? 

For Chris, it is Steve Jobs. Chris hugely credits Steve for making Apple what it is today and shares some of his key learnings from the tech-visionary; always solve clients’ problems and keep things simple. Approaching business with this perspective has helped Steve make Apple a multi-trillion company. 

Chris discusses why he looks up to Steve Jobs and shares some of his learnings.

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Chris talks about Steve Jobs as an entrepreneur and shares his learnings.

I believe that every entrepreneur needs a hero that they follow and learn from. For me, that hero is Steve Jobs. I’ll share with you the four lessons I learned from following Steve Jobs that you can start using in your business today. 

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Chris discusses why he looks up to Steve Jobs and shares some of his learnings.

EP64 - Ep 64 - Four Lessons From Steve Jobs That You Can Implement into Your Business Today

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