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Ep 60 - The One Piece of Advice I Received That Shaped My Life Forever

Even from a young age, Chris Reynolds had an entrepreneurial spirit - eager to soak up and learn from those around him. One of the most poignant lessons he learned highlighted that success, is equal parts hard work and strategy. 

On this week's #turningthepage episode, Chris shares advice he received (and to date carries with him) that created a resounding impact on him.

Chris shares a life-changing piece of advice he received at his first job.

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Chris talks about life-changing advice he received as a teen, at his first job.

When I was a teenager, I would work at Woodbine Racetrack for a very successful horse trainer. I would observe how he worked - not that much. I come from a family of proud workaholics and he was the complete opposite. Yet he was so confident and successful. One day, I grew the courage to ask him what made him so successful. The one piece of advice he gave me is something that shaped my future and I still use to this day. 

Today, I’ll share that one piece of advice and hopefully it can spark something inside of you! 

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Chris shares a life-changing piece of advice he received at his first job.

EP60 - Ep 60 - The One Piece of Advice I Received That Shaped My Life Forever

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