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Ep 53 - Building a Family Office-Type Business for High Net Worth Investors with Dean Trudeau

Financial advisors want to serve high-net-worth clients, but how do they prepare for it?

Dean Trudeau, Certified Financial Planner™ and Founder of OPES Family Advisory, shares insights from his 25 years of experience on building professional teams to manage high-net-worth clients’ needs. 

Dean Trudeau talks about building a unique offering for high net worth clients.

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Dean Trudeau, CFP, talks about building an unique offering for his high-net-worth clients.

Every financial advisor wants to serve the high-net-worth market. However, the rich are different from you and me. They have specialized needs and other considerations that involve more than just looking for someone to manage the money. It takes a lot to put together the right set of professionals to help high-net-worth individuals solve their financial problems. 

Our next guest has done just that. In a short period of time, Dean Trudeau has built a truly unique offering for his clients gathering a team of professionals together in one location to serve client needs. 

Dean Trudeau is the Founder of OPES Family Advisory in Ottawa and heads up the investment strategy Committee as lead portfolio manager. Dean began his investment career in 1987 and has held the designation of Certified Financial Planner™ for over 25 years. Dean’s deep commitment to his field, his enthusiastic initiatives, breadth of knowledge, and experience have made him a formidable speaker all over Canada. Throughout his outstanding career, his diligent work has been recognized with many industry awards.

What do you do to cater to high-net-worth individuals? Are you looking to expand your business in this market? I’d love to chat with you about your business and show you how I can help! Let’s schedule a virtual coffee and chat. 

Schedule a virtual coffee with me using the form on the right. 

If you’ve found this episode useful, or know of someone who could gain from it, I’d appreciate it if you would share it with them. Or subscribe and follow Turning the Page on Apple, Spotify or whatever podcast app you use!  



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Dean Trudeau talks about building a unique offering for high net worth clients.

EP53 - Ep 53 - Building a Family Office-Type Business for High Net Worth Investors with Dean Trudeau

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