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Ep 52 - What I Learned from Five Star Hotels and How to Offer Five Star Service in Your Business

Chris talks about three aspects of five-star companies that distinguish them from the competition. 

Providing a five-star service is easily one of the best ways to create brand advocacy and loyalty. The unparalleled quality of service often adds a premium factor to the business. 

Chris draws insights from his recent travels into what makes a business stand out.

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Chris shares three insights from five-star hotels that can be used to elevate your business.

I recently had the good fortune to travel through Southeast Asia on an epic 17 city tour. Travel is one of my passions. It allows me to see how the rest of the world lives, their cultures and most importantly their food!  I love to embrace new places and study what makes them different from us in North America. 

When you travel as much as I do, you get to stay at many different types of hotels and dine at different restaurants. Some disappoint, some meet your expectations and others are so outstanding that you must tell everyone you meet about your experiences. 

After my last trip, I started to take notes on why some places were so fantastic and stood out from the others. And why some could charge a big premium for what they do for essentially the same commodity.  

In this episode, you’ll learn the three things these five-star companies do so well that you should integrate into your own business.  

What do you do to offer a five-star service to your clients? Let’s have a virtual coffee and talk about it! 

Schedule a virtual coffee with me using the form on the right. 

If you’ve found this episode useful, or know of someone who could gain from it, I’d appreciate it if you would share it with them. Or subscribe and follow Turning the Page on Apple, Spotify or whatever podcast app you use!   



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Chris draws insights from his recent travels into what makes a business stand out.

EP52 - Ep 52 - What I Learned from Five Star Hotels and How to Offer Five Star Service in Your Business

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