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Ep49 - There’s More than One Way to Prepare for the Succession of Your Business, with John Novachis

For an entrepreneur, having a plan for succession can be the biggest opportunity of your career.

John Novachis, IPC’s EVP of Corporate Growth and Development, talks about challenges in succession planning, strategy selection, and maximizing business value.

John Novachis talks about how to prepare for business succession.

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Succession planning is usually the last stage in an entrepreneur’s journey, but it’s often riddled with challenges.

Entrepreneurs often come up against one of their biggest challenges when it’s time to exit their business. Undoubtedly, there’s lots to think about: clients, staff, and themselves. I’ve sold my business numerous times and had the same anxieties and sleepless nights every time.

Each time, I had questions: How do I maximize the value of my business? How do I determine who my successor should be? How will I know my clients will be looked after? What happens to the loyal team that helped me build my business? How do I extend the legacy I have built?

If you’re at this stage of your entrepreneurial journey, this episode is for you. 

John Novachis, the Executive Vice President of Corporate Growth and Development at IPC spends his days working with independent financial advisors, to help them navigate this crucial part of entrepreneurial journey. With over 25 years in the business, John has helped many Advisors prepare for and succeed their business well. This includes supporting them in overcoming challenges, identifying the right succession strategy, and maximizing the value they can extract from their business.  

John and I talk about:

His own journey and how he helped develop IPC Pinnacle, IPC’s corporate branch model, which is a succession option for independent advisors in Canada.

The other strategies for succession Advisors have in today’s business environment.

The biggest concerns and opportunities Advisors face with succession planning.

I’ve been through the succession planning process myself. If you need someone to have a conversation with and talk about your current plan, I’d love to personally chat with you about yours over a virtual coffee!

Schedule a virtual coffee with me using the form on this page.

Follow the podcast on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/turningthepage_podcast 

If you’ve found this episode useful, or know of someone who could gain from it, I’d appreciate it if you would share it with them. Or subscribe and follow Turning the Page on Apple, Spotify or whatever podcast app you use!  



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John Novachis talks about how to prepare for business succession.

EP49 - Ep49 - There’s More than One Way to Prepare for the Succession of Your Business, with John Novachis

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