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Ep47 - Turn Strategy into Action with Keita Demming

All successful businesses  stem from simple ideas, before turning into strategies and big plans. But how do we effectively action strategies? 

Today Chris talks to author and leader in design, strategy, and innovation, Keita Demming about turning your biggest ideas into real offerings in your business and life.

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Actionable strategies often build better businesses and better people in business.

It’s a new year! The next 12 months are a blank canvas that we can turn into something amazing for our business and in life. They call it a New Year’s resolution, so of course there will be a lot of talk about goals, visions, and plans for what we want to accomplish in the new year. And by the end of Q1, so often we feel as if we didn’t take as much action on what we want to accomplish. Have you experienced that? 

But how do we effectively turn strategy into action? How can we do this well and drive growth for our business, our clients, and our lives? How do we make those big plans happen? 

Our guest today is an expert on that and has literally written the book on it - Keita Demming!

As an Author, Trusted Advisor and Thought Leader in design, strategy, and innovation, Keita strongly believes that the more we learn from others, the more likely we are to find our journey a little easier. His clients describe him as helping people become better business people and better people in business. 

His book, Strategy to Action is described as “a practical methodology that will turn your biggest ideas into real offerings in your business and life.” He is an award-winning educator and coach who is working to transform companies into places and spaces that are idea-driven and people-centred. As a high school dropout turned PhD, he now uses education and coaching as a tool to help clients thrive professionally and personally. 

Learn more about Keita and pick up his book, “Strategy to Action: Run Your Business Without It Running You,” at https://keitademming.com/

What do you want to accomplish in the new year? How are you going to take your strategy and turn it into action?  I’d love to hear your stories and chat over a virtual coffee!

Schedule a virtual coffee with me using the form on this page. 

Follow the podcast on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/turningthepage_podcast/ 

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EP47 - Ep47 - Turn Strategy into Action with Keita Demming

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