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Ep39 - Regulatory Changes that Advisors Need to Know Right Now with Harold Geller

Understanding the changing regularoty environment is key to the success of your financial advice business. 

Harold Geller joins Chris to discuss how to stay on the right side of the regulations, standards and ethics affecting advisors and investors.

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Be prepared by understanding regulatory changes

Imagine a scenario where you are building a successful, growing business and then BAM – the market tanks, a client goes to the regulators and tells them you did a terrible job explaining the risks and wants all their money back.

How do you prove you did everything right?  What would be your defense?  What if they went further to sue you as well? What do you do?

Sounds like a nightmare, but unfortunately it happens all the time.

And in fact, the guy that might be representing that client is today’s guest, who is here to help us be prepared: Harold Geller. 

Harold is an expert on legal issues affecting investors and those with life insurance. Harold assists investors, insureds, and their lawyers with the analysis of claims, prosecution and settlement of claims in the civil courts and the Ombudsman office for Banking Services and Investments. Harold has assisted over 1,500 Canadians recover financial losses from banks, investment dealers, portfolio managers, life insurance agents, life insurance agencies and life insurers.

Harold is a well-known financial industry commentator, a continuing education provider, particularly with respect to regulations, rules, standards and ethics. 

He is a member of the OSC’s Seniors Expert Advisory Council, and a former member of the Ontario Securities Commission’s Investor Advisory Panel, a member of IIROC’s Arbitration Working Group, a member of FSRAO’s Consumer Advisory Panel, the former Chair of the OBSI’s Consumer and Investor Advisory Council. He has served for years on lawyer associations executive committees focused on Elder Law and on Life Insurance. 

In other words, this guy knows what he is talking about when it comes to risk. 

Learn more about Harold at http://gellerlaw.ca

What do you do to make sure you are covered and prepared if you end up in legal trouble? I’d love to talk with you about it over a virtual coffee! You can schedule a time with me using the form on this page.

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EP39 - Ep39 - Regulatory Changes that Advisors Need to Know Right Now with Harold Geller

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