Arnold Schwarzenegger came from humble beginnings and rose to become a champion bodybuilder, businessman and politician.
How did he do it? Here are six lessons from his life of incredible accomplishment.
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The other day, I was combing Netflix for something to watch and ran across the Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary. As a lark, I started to watch it. I don’t think anyone in the world doesn’t know who this man is or can’t recite his famous tagline “I’ll be back.” Who knew a boy from a small town in Austria would become a man who would win Mr. Olympia 7 times, marry a Kennedy, become a successful real estate businessman, then become a movie star selling global blockbuster after global blockbuster and then at the age of 56 won the election to become Governor of California.
Anyone of these feats would be impressive – but all of them?
So how did he do all these amazing things? In this episode, I’ll share with you the six major takeaways I had from the documentary and how you can implement them in your own business and life.
Have you seen the documentary? I’d love to talk with you about it over a virtual coffee! Let’s chat about how we can implement these lessons into our business and life. You can schedule a time with me using the form on this page.
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EP38 - Ep38 - Six Things Arnold Schwarzenegger Can Teach You About Business and Life
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