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Ep40 - What Walt Disney World Can Teach Us About a Great Client Experience with Dennis Snow

Disney is known for creating unparalleled magical world for guests. 

Dennis Snow shares secrets from his 20 years at Disney that will change how you craft remarkable client experiences.

Dennis Snow joins Chris to talk about Disney's customer experience.

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Client Experience Lessons from the Happiest Place on Earth

When you think of companies that truly deliver great client experiences, which ones come to mind?

There are some brands out there that take the client experience to a whole other level. One that is often used as a benchmark is Disney. People will save up for years for a Walt Disney World vacation. The expectations a visitor has are so high and Disney delivers every single time.

In our industry, having a remarkable client experience is the biggest way to help you stand out from the rest of the advisor crowd. What can Disney teach us and how can we implement those lessons into our business, so your clients are raving about you to everyone?

Our guest today is the perfect person to give us insight… Dennis Snow.

Dennis Snow has a passion for service excellence and has consulted with organizations around the world on the subject. Dennis’ customer service abilities were born and developed over 20 years with The Walt Disney World Company.

In his last year with Walt Disney World, Dennis’s leadership performance was ranked in the top 3% of the company’s leadership team. Dennis, now a full-time speaker, trainer, and consultant is dedicated to helping organizations achieve their goals in the areas of customer service, employee development, and leadership.

He is the author of the book, “Lessons From the Mouse: A Guide for Applying Disney World’s Secrets of Success to Your Organization, Your Career and Your Life.”

You can learn more about Dennis and his team and purchase his books at https://snowassociates.com/ 

What do you do to create a great client experience? Has an experience you’ve had on vacation taught you something that you implemented into your business? I’d love to talk with you about it over a virtual coffee! You can schedule a time with me using the form on this page.

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Dennis Snow joins Chris to talk about Disney

EP40 - Ep40 - What Walt Disney World Can Teach Us About a Great Client Experience with Dennis Snow

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