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Pilot: The value of consistency in remarkable client experience

Consistency is invaluable, because its benefits will compound over time. 

In the introductory episode, Chris sets out the three areas for focus for this podcast and what you will gain from listening for each episode.

Chris Reynolds Podcast

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The heart of any great business is remarkable client experience

Consistency is invaluable, because its benefits will compound over time.

Meet our host Chris Reynolds, co-founder and Executive Chair of Investment Planning Counsel. In this podcast,‘Turning the page… on building a better business’, Chris will bring you 26 proven ideas to take your business to its next level.

Chris believes that at the heart of any great business is remarkable client experience: how you meet the needs of your clients, how you evolve with them as they change, and, ultimately, how you leave your clients feeling about you after every single interaction they’ve had with you and your business.

In the introductory episode, Chris sets out the three areas for focus for this podcast and what you will gain from listening for each episode:

✅ Proven strategies to build even more successful businesses.

✅ The trends and technology that are reshaping the financial advice industry, what it means for the future of independent advice and how you can use it to your benefit

✅ Succession planning, and how to leave a strong legacy to benefit your family, your clients and yourself.

Listen to the podcast for more.

Join Chris Reynolds in turning the page on building a better business.

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Would you like to spend 20 minutes with me - virtual coffee in hand – furthering the conversation you heard in any of the podcasts?

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Chris Reynolds Podcast

EP1 - Pilot: The value of consistency in remarkable client experience

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