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Ep17 - Pattie Lovett-Reid Shares Investment Mistakes People Are Making, But Shouldn’t

It’s no secret: Investors have nowhere to hide right now. Bonds have had their worst showing going back to the second world war. Volatility in the market. The price of oil. Inflation has not ticked lower. The housing market has not pulled back.

This might be a scary time for investors. The way to win right now is through communication and reminding them of the basics.

Interview with Pattie Lovett-Reid

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How to talk about volatility

Joining Chris to share some insights and reminders to share your clients is a well known figure you see all over the TV, Pattie Lovett-Reid!

Pattie Lovett-Reid is a highly respected Canadian financial guru. As CTV News’ former Chief Financial Commentator, Pattie is well experienced in coaching viewers on how to save money, stretch their income, and get the biggest bang for their hard-earned bucks. Pattie joined CTV News after a very successful career with TD Waterhouse Canada Inc., where she served as Senior Vice-President. Lovett-Reid is a Certified Financial Planner and co-author of several national bestselling books.

In this episode, Patti shares a few investment mistakes that investors make. You probably know many of these, but it’s a nice reminder and some great knowledge you can share with your clients in conversations right now.

Follow Patti on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/pattie_lovettreid  

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Interview with Pattie Lovett-Reid

EP17 - Ep17 - Pattie Lovett-Reid Shares Investment Mistakes People Are Making, But Shouldn’t

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