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Ep30 - The Curse of the High Achiever with Dan Mason

Many people are  so focused on business wins that they’ve found themselves so disconnected from their life outside of the office.

Dan Mason is an international career and life happiness coach, television personality, keynote speaker, and host of Apple’s #1 debut podcast, Life Amplified. He teaches unfulfilled high achievers how to trade the corporate grind for a life with more happiness, meaning, wealth, and fun. 

Interview with Dan Mason

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Tools for Happiness in Business

I've been in business for more than 30 years. Every once in a while, I’ll meet someone who is hugely successful, yet very unhappy. It always puzzled me. There are so many people that have climbed the top of the success ladder, yet feel like they’re just on a treadmill. They're just so focused on business wins that they’ve found themselves so disconnected from their life outside of the office. They might not even know why they're even doing the business they're in anymore. Before they know it, burnout kicks in. 

I know I’ve had moments in my life where I’ve been through that. 

I wanted to dig into the curse of the high achiever and learn how to remind ourselves of why we do what we do. Hopefully once you work through this yourself, this can be something you can even teach your clients when it comes to their investments and their lives.

If you feel this way, my chat with Dan Mason will help you kick start your journey back to yourself with some practical tools to achieve practical happiness. 

Dan Mason is an international career and life happiness coach, television personality, keynote speaker, and host of Apple’s #1 debut podcast, Life Amplified. He teaches unfulfilled high achievers how to trade the corporate grind for a life with more happiness, meaning, wealth, and fun. Through his coaching and television appearances, he’s taught over 20 million people globally how to thrive in their purpose.

Dan took his own journey and turned it into skills that he uses to help his clients. He spent 20 years as a media executive and on-air talent, overseeing very successful radio brands and major markets across the United States. He had a pretty sweet life, hosting album release parties with names like Taylor Swift and Maroon 5. It all looked great online! He invested so much energy into cultivating that image of success. Eventually, the wins were less fulfilling and, like many high achievers, he just tried to push through and achieve something bigger. At age 38, he was on blood pressure medication at 38 and battling shingles. 

He took a deep assessment of his life and realized success and happiness are not mutually exclusive, and that put him on a huge personal growth path to figure out who he was, not just what he did for a living.

He shares his knowledge and experience with us in this episode.

Check out Dan's podcast on Apple and Spotify

I’d love to talk to you more about your big why and what you do to stay connected to yourself and your business! I'd love to chat with you more about it over a virtual coffee and how you can accomplish big things in your business!

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Interview with Dan Mason

EP30 - Ep30 - The Curse of the High Achiever with Dan Mason

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